【同义词辨析】 2018-11-05 超越exceed-outstrip
exceed: implies going beyond a limit set by authority or established by custom or by prior achievement: ~ed the speed limit. (authority职权部门,custom习俗)
surpass: suggests superiority in quality, merit, or skill: the book ~ed our expectations.
transcend: implies a rising or extending notably above or beyond ordinary limits: ~ed the values of their peers.
excel: implies an attaining of eminence in achievement, accomplishment, or quality and may suggest superiority to all others: ~s in mathematics.
outdo: applies to a bettering or exceeding of what has been done before: ~ herself this time.
outstrip: suggests a succeeding or surpassing in a race or competition: ~ped other firms in selling the new plastic.
exceed超过: 超过某限制界限,surpass超过: 品质优点技术等更好(superior指"最"好"最"高,superlative形容词最高级,这里译成更好),transcend超越: 大幅超过常规界限,excel优秀: 成绩显著,暗示超过其他所有人,outdo超过: 超过之前作为,outstrip超过: 超过比赛或竞争对手
记忆方法: 1)首字母esteoo组成see too,也看见<==超越
2)超越的意思是超过限度量度程度mean to go or be beyond a stated or implied limit, measure, or degree.